Patogenesis pitiriasis versikolor pdf

A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Dermatophytes are keratinophilic fungi that probably appeared in the mesozoic age. Tinea versicolor is skin infection with malassezia furfur that manifests as multiple asymptomatic scaly patches varying in color from white to tan to brown to pink. Tinea versicolor is a common, benign, superficial cutaneous fungal infection usually characterized by hypopigmented or hyperpigmented macules and patches on the chest and the back. Pityriasis means a type of fine skin scaling, and versicolor means changing colour. Small numbers of the malassezia germs that causes pityriasis versicolor commonly live on the skin and do no harm. Pityriasis tinea versicolor is a superficial fungal infection of the stratum corneum by the lipophilic yeast malassezia spp. Pityriasis versicolor timbul bila malassezia furfur berubah bentuk menjadi bentuk miselia karena adanya faktor predisposisi, baik eksogen maupun. Pityriasis versicolor pv is a chronic cutaneous fungal infection caused by proliferation of lipophilic yeast malassezia species in the stratum corneum 1,2. Dalam penelitian pada 9 pasien dengan pitiriasis alba yang luas, ditemukan densitas dari melanosit yang normal berkurang pada daerah lesi tanpa adanya aktivitas sitoplasmik. Pitiriasis versikolor yang disebabkan malassezia furfur robin baillon 1889 adalah penyakit jamur superfisial yang kronik, biasanya tidak memberikan keluhan subyektif, berupa bercak berskuama halus yang bewarna putih sampai coklat hitam, terutama meliputi badan dan kadangkadang menyerang ketiak, lipat paha, lengan, tungkai atas, leher muka dan kulit kepala yang berambut. Pitiriasis versicolor causas, sintomas y tratamiento. Tinea versicolor is a common, benign, superficial cutaneous fungal infection usually characterized by hypopigmented or hyperpigmented.

Pityriasis versicolor is a common skin complaint in which flaky discoloured patches appear mainly on the chest and back. Afecta generalmente a adolescentes y adultos jovenes. Pitiriasis versikolor disebabkan oleh malassezia furfur yang merupakan jamur saprofit pada manusia normal, namun dalam beberapa kondisi, jamur ini dapat berubah menjadi bentuk patogen. Pitiriasis versikolor berupa rasa gatal ringan terutama saat berkeringat. Pityriasis versicolor pv first described in 1801 1 and the causative fungus isolated in 1846 2, is a wellknown skin eruption due to any number of fungi of the genus malassezia. Pityriasis versicolor is a superficial fungal infection of the skin produced by lipophilic dimorphic fungi belonging to the genus malassezia spp, which form part of the normal skin flora. Pityriasis versicolor symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. May 22, 2018 tinea versicolor is a common, benign, superficial cutaneous fungal infection usually characterized by hypopigmented or hyperpigmented macules and patches on the chest and the back. Pada kulit terdapat flora normal yang berhubungan dengan timbulnya pitiriasis versikolor ialah. Patches of skin may be darker or lighter than your normal skin colour, or may be red, brown or pink. Jika sudah sembuh, penyakit panu itu sering meninggalkan bercak putih yang menetap dalam beberapa bulan sebelum kembali ke kulit normal. Patogenesis pada kulit manusia terdapat flora normal yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya pitiriasis versikolor yang dapat berubah jika berada pada lingkungan, suhu, dan kelembaban yaitu pityrosporum orbiculare yang berbentuk oval. Later, through frequent contact with animals and humans, some species adapted to the hosts, causing infections. Patogenesis dari makula hipopigmentasi oleh terhambatnya sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam lapisan kulit akan mengganggu proses pembentukan melanin, adanya toksin yang langsung menghambat pembentukan melanin, dan adanya asam azeleat yang dihasilkan oleh pityrosporum dari asam lemak dalam serum yang merupakan inhibitor kompetitf dari tirosinase.

Pityriasis versicolor pada nelayan penderita penyakit kulit di rt 09 kelurahan. Mikosis superficialis inter mediate profunda dermatofitosis non dermatofitosis subcutis sistemik tinea capitis tinea barbae tinea kruris tinea manum tinea pedis tinea unguium tinea corporis t. Diagnosis pitiriasis versikolor ditegakkan berdasarkan gambaran klinis, pemeriksaan mikroskopis atau kultur jamur. Pityriasis versicolor le pityriasis versicolor est une mycose cutanee superficielle non contagieuse, frequente, et possible a tout age, surtout chez les adultes jeunes. This condition is one of the most common superficial fungal infections worldwide, particularly in tropical climates. Pitiriasis versikolor berupa skuama pitiriasiformis berwarna putih hipopigmentasi atau kecoklatan hingga kehitaman hiperpigmentasi. Patogenesis dari makula hipopigmentasi oleh terhambatnya sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam lapisan kulit yang akan mengganggu proses pembentukan melanin, adanya toksin yang langsung menghambat pembentukan melanin, dan adanya asam azeleat yang dihasilkan oleh. Dec 10, 2010 pitiriasis versikolor yang disebabkan malassezia furfur robin baillon 1889 adalah penyakit jamur superfisial yang kronik, biasanya tidak memberikan keluhan subyektif, berupa bercak berskuama halus yang bewarna putih sampai coklat hitam, terutama meliputi badan dan kadangkadang menyerang ketiak, lipat paha, lengan, tungkai atas, leher muka dan kulit kepala yang berambut. It typically starts with the development of a large erythematous scaly plaque also called the herald patch or mother patch on. This fungus is part of the normal skin flora but can cause disease when it converts to its pathogenic hyphal form. Pitiriasis versikolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial kronik ringan yang disebabkan oleh jamur.

The best sleeping position for back pain, neck pain, and sciatica tips from a physical therapist duration. In patients with a predisposition, tinea versicolor may chronically recur. Pityriasis versicolor is one of the most frequent fungal cutaneous infections. Download referat kulit pitiriasis versikolor gafuran. These yeasts, called malassezia, are not related to yeast in food or to those that cause thrush. Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor is a superficial chronically recurring fungal infection of the stratum corneum, characterized by scaly, dyspigmented irregular macules most often occurring on the trunk and extremities. However, some people are prone to this germ multiplying and spreading on their skin more than usual, which then leads to. The most common malassezia species associated with pv is m. Prevalensi pitiriasis versikolor di amerika serikat diperkirakan. Doc 143971219pitiriasisversikolorprint yunandia wati. Pitiriasis versicolor ditinjau dari aspek klinis dan. It is caused by malassezia, a lipophilic dimorphic fungus. It leads to hypo or hyperpigmented coalescing scaly macules on the trunk and upper arms. Pitiriasis versikolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial pada lapisan tanduk kulit yang disebabkan oleh malassezia furfur.

Patogenesis dari makula hipopigmentasi oleh adanya toksin yang langsung. Gejalanya berupa bercakbercak putih, kadang kemerahan atau cokelat. Pitiriasis versicolor farmacia profesional elsevier. Keduanya merupakan organisme yang sama dapat berubah sesuai dengan lingkungannya, misalnya suhu, media, dan kelembaban. Pitiriasis versikolor tidak lagi digolongkan sebagai penyakit menular. Biasanya terdapat di badan tapi bisa juga menyebar ke wajah dan disertai rasa gatal bila berkeringat. Pitiriasis versikolor paling dominan mengenai badan bagian atas. It is a common and harmless rash due to the overgrowth of yeasts that live on everyones skin.

Pv is difficult to cure and the chances for relapse or recurrent infections are high due to the presence of malassezia in the normal skin flora. Oct 02, 2014 topikal terbinafine efektif pada pitriasis versikolor, dengan penggunaan satu atau dua kali sehari selama dua minggu, terbukti dapat menyembuhkan dari penelitian terhadap lebih dari 80% pasien pitiriasis versikolor, tinea pedis, tinea corporiscruris 5. Pdf pathogenesis of dermatophytosis and tinea versicolor. Jul 08, 2016 pityriasis versicolor is a common skin complaint in which flaky discoloured patches appear mainly on the chest and back. We illustrate a simple but very useful clinical manoeuvre to help secure the diagnosis when mycologic examination is unavailable and the clinical diagnosis is uncertain. Pityriasis rosea is a common harmless skin rash usually occurring between the ages of 10 and 35 but which may occur at any age. Pityriasis rosea fact sheet university of california. The relationship of personal hygiene and the incidence of tinea versicolor on male students in darussaadah islamic boarding school, mojo agung, lampung tengah by soni setiya wardana background. Pityriasis versicolor, also known as tinea versicolor, is a frequent, benign, superficial fungal infection of the skin. Pityriasis versicolor, sometimes called tinea versicolor, is a common fungal infection that causes small patches of skin to become scaly and discoloured. Sinar matahari uv dapat menjadi pencetus karena mengurangi elastisitas dan merangsang degenerasi sel kulit.

Utility of woods lamp screening in patients with pityriasis versicolor by elizabeth m. Timbulnya infeksi jamur ini lebih disebabkan oleh faktor individual yang spesifik yang belum dapat diketahui dengan pasti. Objective to determine the efficacy of topical or systemic agents in the treatment and prevention of pityriasis versicolor. Juga infeksi laten herpesvirus dapat mengalami reaktivasi karena jejas penyinaran. Certain environmental, genetic, and immunological factors can predispose to this pathogenic conversion and contribute to the. Pdf laporan kasus pitiriasis versikolor free download pdf. Pitiriasis versicolor micologia medica ilustrada, 5e. Data are presented from seventeen studies 304 patients on the topical treatment of pityriasis versicolor with the substituted imidazole compound miconazole. Pityriasis versicolor is a common superficial fungal infection of the skin. Under certain conditions, both exogenous and endogenous, the fungus can convert from a yeast to a pathogenic mycelial form. Pityriasis versicolor pv, also known as tinea versicolor, is a common superficial fungal infection of the stratum corneum outer layer of the epidermis resulting from a change to the mycelial filamentous fungus or mould state of dimorphic yeasts of the genus malassezia. Tinea pityriasis versicolor statpearls ncbi bookshelf. Tidak dapat perbedaan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, tetapi terdapat perbedaan kerentanan berdasarkan usia yakni lebih banyak ditemukan pada remaja dan dewasa muda.

Symptoms of pityriasis versicolor patches of skin may be darker or lighter than your normal skin colour, or may be red, brown or pink. Candidiasis adalah jamur yang umum mempunyai kemungkinan menimbulkan infeksi. The dyschromic areas also usually present a fine desquamation. Of the species described, those most frequently producing symptoms are m. Pitiriasis versikolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial kronik ringan yang disebabkan oleh jamur malassezia dengan ciri klinis discrete atau confluent. Pitiriasis versikolor merupakan infeksi jamur superfisial yang paling sering ditemukan. Tinea versicolor is an infection of superfisial fungal caused by malassezia furfur, chronic, mild and usually without inflammation. What is pityriasis versicolor pityriasis versicolor is a common yeast infection of the skin, in which flaky discoloured patches appear on the chest and back the term pityriasis is used to describe skin conditions in which the scale appears similar to bran. They tend to develop gradually and may join up to form. Patogenesis muncul dengan bertambahnya kolonisasi, seperti yang terjadi pada penggunaan agen antimikrobial sistemik, menembus mukosa normal dan barier kulit, sehingga menyebabkan trauma atau kerusakan jaringan akibat dari kemoterapi atau radiasi. It is very common and can often be diagnosed clinically. Pityriasis versicolor pv, also known as tinea versicolor, is caused by malassezia species.

Pitiriasis versikolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial. Pityriasis versicolor pv is a superficial fungal infection, characterized by changes in skin pigment due to colonization of the stratum corneum by a dimorphic. Pityriasis rosea pr is a papulosquamous disorder first described by robert willan in 1798 but under another terminology. Diagnosis is based on clinical appearance and potassium hydroxide wet mount of skin scrapings. The multiple colours of pityriasis versicolor give rise to the second part of the name, versicolor. Sirsinata pitiriasis versikolor piedra hitam piedra putih tinea nigra palmaris kandidiasis.

Antifungal treatment for pityriasis versicolor article pdf available in journal of fungi open access mycology journal 11. The gold standard in diagnosis is direct observation of spores and short filaments. Sie zeigen sich zunachst als linsen bis pfenniggro. Melanosom cenderung lebih sedikit dan lebih kecil namun pola distribusi dalam keratinosit normal. Pitiriasis versikolor karena infeksi malassezia spp terutama malassezia furfur dan malassezia globosa. Biasanya pitiriasis versikolor menyerang lipat paha, ketiak, muka, kulit.

Data sources the cochrane skin group specialized register to june 2008, cochrane central register of controlled. It is sometimes called tinea versicolor, although the term tinea should strictly refer to infection with a dermatophyte fungus. Definisi pityriasis versicolor adalah infeksi jamur superfisial pada kulit yang disebabkan oleh malassezia furfur atau pityrosporum orbiculare dan ditandai dengan adanya makula di kulit, skuama halus dan disertai rasa gatal. Patogenesis dari makula hipopigmentasi oleh terhambatnya sinar matahari yang masuk ke dalam lapisan kulit yang akan mengganggu. Pathogenesis of dermatophytosis and tinea versicolor. Pdf referat kulit pitiriasis versikolor gafuran free. Found worldwide, with a higher incidence in tropical and subtropical regions, pityriasis versicolor is a superficial infection consisting of hypochromic scaly macules. Hubungan higiene personal terhadap kejadian tinea versicolor. Memiliki ciriciri bersisik, tidak berwarna atau tidak berpigmen,1,3,10 dan tanpa peradangan. It is essential for dermatologists to recognize it and offer an appropriate treatment. Hubungan higiene personal terhadap kejadian tinea versicolor pada santri pria di pondok pesantren darussaadah mojo agung, lampung tengah skripsi oleh soni setiya wardana.

Aspekaspek endogen genetik merupakan faktorfaktor kontributor yang menyebabkan timbulnya pitiriasis versikolor. Tinea versicolor tv is a chronic and benign mycosis, clinically characterized by the presence of hypochromic or hyperchromic macules on the face, arms, and trunk. Il existe plusieurs pityriasis, avec des causes et des effets differents. Pitiriasis versikolor merupakan penyakit universal, terutama ditemukan didaerah tropis dengan prevalensi mencapai 50% pada populasi di daerah tropis di dunia. Subsequently, various names have been given to this disorder such as pityriasis circinata, roseola annulata, and herpes tonsurans maculosus.

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